servicing macarthur since 1950

areas of service

Service areas

Caldwell Martin Cox has established a strong and respectable reputation in the local area by understanding the local community and its culture. We strive to provide the highest level of service by having a highly skilled team of legal experts who have extensive knowledge and experience in all areas of the law.

We are located at Picton, Narellan, Camden and Gregory hills. With a reputation for outstanding service we service CamdenCampbelltown, Cobbitty, Narellan, Oran Park, The Oaks, Picton, Spring Farm, Douglas Park, Tahmoor.

Our Blog

What is Child Inclusive Mediation

What is Child Inclusive Mediation

A complaint that is often heard from children after their separated parents have sorted out their living arrangements is, “Why didn’t anyone listen to what I want?” Given that the parenting arrangements that parents make between themselves have a very significant...

Enduring Guardian
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02 4651 4800

Open Hours

8.30am - 5.00pm Mon - Fri

We have Accredited Specialists in:

- Advocacy

- Family Law

- Property Law


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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