Debt recovery
Achieving Results You Need
driving matters
Achieving Results You Need
When someone owes you money
It is common for people to avoid repayment of debt, particularly if they are experiencing financial difficulties. There are many options available to you in recovering an unpaid debt. The amount of the debt, the type of the debt, and the financial circumstances of the person who owes you money are all factors to be considered when looking at the best way to recover money that is owing to you.
If you find yourself in this situation call one of our Litigation team members for further information and assistance.
If you owe someone money
If you owe someone money you should do something about it. Ignoring the debt that is claimed against you can result in problems, such as a bad credit history, and these are not always easy to undo.
If someone makes a claim for money against you, whether you believe you owe them the money or not, we strongly suggest that you contact one of our Litigation team members to get the best advice on what to do about the claim.
‘Getting blood out of a stone’
We are all familiar with this expression and sometimes getting paid for a debt that is owed to you can be just like that.
If you have a claim against someone it is a good idea to get advice about the prospects of actually recovering the money from them, even if there is a Judgment in a Court proving that they owe it to you.
Let one of our experienced Litigation team members at Caldwell Martin Cox assist you in getting the best possible outcome from your claim.
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