At Picton we were "knocked down" by force of nature, whilst at Narellan our old office was knocked down by force of man and progress - literally....
Latest News
Hard to Knock Out
Well as you all know, we and many others, were inundated with floodwaters in Picton on 5 June 2016. As the photos show these were devastating and...
C91.3 ROADCREW heading to our Picton Office
Join C91.3 outside our Picton Office on FRIDAY 4TH NOVEMBER AT 3:20PM for some giveaways!
Changes to Swimming Pool Legislation
Changes to Swimming Pool Legislation From 29th April 2016 all properties sold with a swimming pool or spa pool must have attached to the Contract...
Removal of limitation period for child abuse cases in NSW
Most legal actions have limitation periods which prevent actions being commenced after a specified period has elapsed. This has caused difficulty in...
The Importance of having or updating a Will when you seperate
Unfortunately we have experienced matters where people have separated but were not divorced from their ex-partners and had then passed away. In...
Is Surrogacy Legal in Australia?
Yes, surrogacy is legal. Commercial surrogacy however, which is when the surrogate mother is paid to carry the child, is not legal.When a woman...
CMC Partners Support Kids of Macarthur Health Foundation
The partners treated 14 ladies from our staff to attend the Kids of Macarthur Health Foundation Women's Trust Annual –Girls Night at the Movies...
Luncheon with NSW Attorney General
Solicitors from Caldwell Martin Cox attended a luncheon with the NSW Attorney-General, Gabrielle Upton, on 2 February. The Attorney-General spoke...
NSW Government announce a $20 million package
The NSW government announced a $20 million package at the weekend to alleviate significant delays in criminal trials reaching the District Court....